Iron Fire Escape Repair and Welding Services

Fire Escapes are an extremely important element of safety in tall buildings such as apartments. If disaster strikes, a fire escape can end up being most tenants’ sole means of escape. So, if you own an apartment building, it’s your duty to keep the fire escape operable and safe. Fortunately, doing so is easy with some assistance from Pro Weld. Here’s how and why we can help you with iron fire escape repair in Toronto.
Possible Fire Escape Damage
Fire escapes are a vital part of fire safety in any big apartment building. However, fires don’t happen often enough and on a big enough scale for these escapes to actually be used all that much. Because of that, they have a lot of time to get broken or fall into disrepair.
Common causes of fire escape damage come from people messing around with them. This can happen when people sneak out of their apartment through the window. Or, if someone is trying to sneak to a window, they’ll often try climbing up the fire escape. However, to do so, they, first, have to get to the retracted fire escape ladder. Sometimes this works. Whether it does or doesn’t has no bearing on whether or not they manage to damage it or not.
Replace Broken Fire Escape Parts
While it is unfortunate that people messing around and misusing fire escapes can lead to them getting damaged, they must be fixed. If your fire escape has broken parts, they may need to be replaced. The most likely parts to end up broken are the smaller mechanical parts of something like a retracted ladder. If there’s a hook or spring holding it up from the ground, those can get broken easily by vandals.
Pro Weld has been in the metal and welding business in Toronto for over 30 years now. If you need iron stairway parts replaced, simply let us know and we can help.
Welding Services and Damage Repair
While breaks can sometimes happen, what happens more is damage. Someone jumping down a ladder with reckless abandon can lead to bent rungs. Someone trying to move something in or out through a window can lead to damaged handrails.
Regardless of how your fire escape gets damaged, if you need welding services or damage repair services, we’re here for you. Our mobile welding services can be brought directly to you. Therefore, if you need on-site repair, we’re the best team for the job.
Fire Escape Repair Services in Toronto
If your fire escape is damaged or broken, rely on Pro Weld for fire escape repair and welding services. We serve the entire Toronto area and can bring our services directly to you. If you have any questions or would like a service quote, just give us a call. We look forward to serving you.