Child Friendly Wrought Iron Railings in Toronto
If you’ve got a family and are looking to improve your interior with some new railings, Pro Weld is here to help. Whether you’re looking specifically for wrought iron railings or are just looking for something attractive, we have what you need. The trouble is, households with small children have specific safety needs. We’re here […]
How to Sanitize Railings in Your Business: Part 2
If you have a business or office that’s running during COVID-19, you might be wondering how best to clean your railings. As railings are one of the most frequently touched parts of a building’s structure, they can be the most deadly. While touching other surfaces can be easily avoided, railings are imperative for safety. Therefore, […]
How to Sanitize Railings in Your Business: Part 1
In the midst of a pandemic, to sanitize railings in public places is more important than ever. While copper doorknobs may self sanitize, iron and steel have no such power. The question is, how do you properly clean your railings? Are there special rules to account for? How do you know if you’ll end up […]
What’s the Difference Between Wrought Iron and Cast Iron?
For many people, the difference between wrought iron and cast iron is somewhat of a mystery. After all, they’re both made of iron and they’re both black. From there, the differences must be few, right? Well, not entirely. There are actually some pretty notable differences between the two, primarily in their uses. What Is Wrought […]
Loft Railings for Your Home or Office
Got a loft in your home or business? The most important part of having a loft, of course, is the safety of its railing. Having a loft that overlooks the first floor of a building gives an incredible view. However, that view is not always the same quality when looking up from the floor below. […]
Steel Railing Styles for Your Home or Business
If you have stairs, a walkway, or a porch on your home or business, you may be looking for some railings to provide safety and meet with building codes. Pro Weld is the #1 railing company in Toronto. We specialize in wrought iron, cast iron, and stainless steel. Today, we want to tell you about […]
Iron Railing Repair Services in Toronto
Do you have wrought iron or cast iron railings in your home or business? If you’ve had your iron railings for a while, you might notice that they can get pretty beat up. This is especially true of more intricate designs. You might think iron railings can withstand anything, but a car backing into one […]
Affordable, Attractive Outdoor Railings in Toronto
Are you getting ready to install a balcony, deck, or a new stairway? No matter what your reason, if you need outdoor railings, Pro Weld is the place to go. Not only do we offer a variety of materials and styles, we also do custom work. Here’s how we can deliver you the high quality, […]
Outdoor Railings for the Modern Home
If you’re looking to have a modern home that looks both streamlined and creative, we completely understand. Modern design is a delight, both in appearance and in function. However, trying to get your home looking just right can be tricky. If you’re on the outdoor railings portion of designing your modern home, the railing experts […]
7 Steps to Remember to Prepare Your House for a Showing
When you decide to sell your home, it can be an emotional process, especially if you’ve lived there for many years. You make so many memories in your home that it can be hard to let it go. With all the stress of selling your home comes the added stress of getting it ready. You […]