
Simple Iron and Steel Railings in Toronto

Simple Iron and Steel Railings in Toronto

Whether you own a business, home, or otherwise, if you have stairs, you also need railings. For many people, railings are one of the most mundane and unexciting parts of any building design. However, the appearance of your building’s railings do have an impact on the overall appearance and aesthetic. Here are some reasons you might want simple iron or steel railings for your Toronto property.

Affordable Railing Design

The first benefit to going simple is that it makes your railings more affordable. No matter how important or unimportant any given part of a room is, there’s a cheap way to order it and an expensive way. Railings are no different. 

What does set railings apart from other interior or exterior design elements is their use. Railings are an important and mandatory safety feature for any building’s stairways. Therefore, you only want to go cheap in ways that won’t impact safety. Fortunately, high quality railings don’t have to be elaborate in appearance in order to be effective at protection.

Durable and Safe

Simple iron and steel railings for Toronto properties provide safety for longer than many of the alternatives. These railings may look lightweight in their narrow design, but the strength of the material makes up for that. 

Alternatives like aluminum may be perfectly sufficient when bought, but are more easily damaged. Therefore, in any environment where the railings are being used hands-on frequently, or environments where there is machinery or heavy equipment being used, something stronger is a better choice.

Subtle Accent Railings

While there are plenty of iron railing designs that are extremely elaborate, simple designs have their own design perks. A railing with simple, vertical balusters will fit right in in many different environments. The same is true of steel railings with only a couple of horizontal bars to guard drops where someone might fall.

Many interior and exterior design styles – such as industrial – look great with metal accents. However, this type of style holds no place for art nouveau wrought iron. Instead, a simple iron or steel railing design will give it just the masculine accent it needs to thrive without overpowering or taking away from the design. If you want to give your simple design some additional flavor, consider a design that incorporates fun, geometric angles for the bars.

Simple Railing Repair in Toronto

Already have some simple iron or steel railings that are just in need of some repair? Railings that get broken, bent, or rusted don’t need to be ripped out and replaced! Pro Weld offers railing repair services to the entire GTA and your railings are no exception. Give us a call if you need your railings repaired and we’ll schedule a time for us to come out and pay you a visit.

Where to Buy Simple Iron or Steel Railings in Toronto

Ready to buy some brand new railings? Our team of expert metal craftsmen can have your property protected with guards and railings in no time. Let us know what kind of railings you’re in the market for and we’ll make a plan together.

Railing Repair Services in Toronto

Railing Repair Services in Toronto

If you’re remodeling or renovating your home, or just need to fix a broken railing, Pro Weld is here to help. We assist the entire Toronto area in railing repair services. Here’s how we can help with railing repair for your home or business in Toronto.

Rust Removal

By far, the leading cause for railing repair service needs in regards to iron railings is rust removal. Rust doesn’t just look bad, it also makes railings less safe to handle and it continually damages the iron by eating through it. Ever seen an old car with a hole in the metal body, surrounded by rust? The hole got there because of the rust. Rust is extremely damaging to iron and can only be prevented with proper treating and coating of the metal.

If you have some railings that are in decent shape aside from a horrible coating of rust, we can help you out. Removing existing rust, treating the metal, and giving it a new, protective coating will allow your railings to live a long and beautiful life.

Bent Railing Repair

Railings that haven’t been well taken care of often fall into the hands of more caring owners after taking quite a beating. Therefore, if you’ve recently bought a property with some bent-up railings, we can fix them up for you. Railings can end up bent for all kinds of reasons. Someone might back into a railing with their car. Or, a piece of furniture might have fallen into one when rearranging furniture or moving in or out of the building. No matter the cause, bends in railings lower their safety use and must be fixed.

Pro Weld is Toronto’s expert team on railing crafting and repair. We can remove bends in railings or replace damaged parts if needed. When we’re through, you’ll have a whole set of railings in perfect, working condition.

Broken Railing Repair

Railings with minor damage aren’t where our expertise stops. Because we know how to craft railings from scratch, we also know how to repair them when they’re completely broken.

Railings break for all kinds of reasons. We could even salvage a set of beat up, metal railings abandoned in a scrap yard. Beautiful metalwork deserves to last. Therefore, let our railing repair services breathe some life back into your broken railings and replace what can’t be fixed.

Missing Railing Replacement

Otherwise intact railings are sometimes missing pieces. A piece can sometimes break off entirely if constructed wrong or used more than others. Using the design evident in the rest of the railings, or using old photos, we can recreate what’s missing and replace it. With our help, you can regain safety and beauty in your railings in no time.

Complete Restoration

Too many problems to pick just one? Complete railing restoration services are also in our wheelhouse. Give us a call today if you have any railing repair service needs in Toronto and we’ll get you the help you need.

Vertical Steel Railings for Businesses

Vertical Steel Railings for Businesses

Updating your business or building a new office? If so, you’re probably in the market for some railings. A huge percentage of businesses require railings. If you have stairs, ramps, or any number of other hazardous elements in your building design, you need railings. Not only are these good for safety, they look great. The good news is, if your business is anywhere in Toronto, Pro Weld can fix you up with the perfect railings for your business. While we offer many styles, today we want to draw your attention to vertical steel railings.

Simplicity at Its Finest

For as long as humans have been building structures, they’ve been finding ways to make them look better than everyone else’s. This doesn’t stop being true with regard to railings. We’ve been finding new ways to design them since the beginning. This is exactly how we got such unique fixtures as art nouveau wrought iron railings.

However, detail and intricacy isn’t the be-all-end-all of building design. Sometimes simplicity is a better fit. Vertical steel railings provide a simple solution for businesses that want to look sleek and modern. These no-frills railings offer safety, a masculine design feature, and low maintenance requirements. On the other hand, you can also use vertical steel railings as a base and customize them to be just a little bit unique, if you want to stand out.

Clean and Easy to Sanitize

If you’re still on edge about COVID-19, you can rest easy knowing that vertical steel railings for businesses are easy to clean. Unlike wrought iron, you don’t have to worry about stainless steel oxidizing for the most part. That means washing them down with soap and water is the perfect solution to keeping them sanitized.

Because vertical steel railings aren’t complicated in design, you can also cover them with something disposable with ease. The flat or rounded handrail can be wrapped with plastic sheeting without completely destroying the overall appearance of the railings.

Timeless Appearance

When it comes to the general appearance of vertical steel railings, stainless steel is timeless. They’re the epitome of “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” We have mastered the art of practical railings, and stainless steel is the perfect medium.

The timelessness of stainless steel railings means you can put them in classic, simple buildings, or even into extremely modern, cutting-edge designs. Architecture leaves plenty of room for stainless steel railings and doesn’t seem to have any intention of pushing them out of the design loop.

Practical and Safe

Stainless steel doesn’t just look good, it’s also practical and safe. Vertical steel railings don’t just offer something for visitors to grip on their way up the stairs. The vertical balusters also prevent small children from falling. Some of the most common steel railings are those with one or two horizontal crossbars. However, these have wide gaps in them that allow children to climb through to the other side. Unfortunately, the strength of steel makes this a tempting place to play. Let’s put that strength to better use by placing balusters a safe width apart and guarding dangerous ledges adequately.

Repair Broken Wrought Iron Railings in Toronto

Repair Broken Wrought Iron Railings in Toronto

Wrought iron railings are a beautiful addition to any home or business. They’re a throwback to past generations and architectural design styles. But, we’ve learned to do something modern with them at the same time. Pairing these railings with contemporary design has brought a breath of the classic into otherwise new and modern interiors and exteriors. However, because wrought iron railings are an old classic, many buildings that have them have old railings that are prone to breaking or degrading. Therefore, it’s important to know you can have them repaired with some help from Pro Weld in Toronto.

Repair Broken Wrought Iron Railings

Old wrought iron railings get damaged over time. This is especially true of outdoor railings that are exposed to rain and potential damage from vehicles. If you’ve got some wrought iron railings that have been bent, broken, scratched, or otherwise damaged, we can repair them. Pro Weld doesn’t just make railings, we also ensure existing railings stay looking their best. 

Sections of railing can be brought to our shop or, for extensive repairs, we can even go to you. Our mobile welding services allow us to service railings right where they’re installed. Many wrought iron railings are cemented right into the ground. Even those that aren’t would be a lot of work to remove for repairs. Therefore, it’s easiest for us to just come out to your home or business and do our repairs on-site.

Rust Removal Services

One of the most common ailments to befall wrought iron railings is rust. Iron is beautiful, up until it falls victim to oxidization and turns an unattractive orange color. If your home or business thrives on appearance, you can’t leave your wrought iron railings to rust.

If you want to restore the rusted wrought iron railings in your Toronto home or business, Pro Weld can help. Rust removal is part of wrought iron restoration. If you call us for repair services, you can be sure your wrought iron railings will look good as new when we’re through.

Wrought Iron Coating Services

To prevent wrought iron from rusting, it’s usually coated in a black paint that’s water resistant. This coating slows down wear, prevents oxidization, and provides a glossy appearance to an otherwise matte metal.

When you have your wrought iron railings repaired through Pro Weld, you can count on them getting a fresh new coating to prevent future rusting. It will also bring them back to their like-new appearance.

Replace Missing Wrought Iron Railings

Breaks and damage aren’t the only misfortune that can befall wrought iron railings. Sometimes whole pieces can go missing. This is especially true of antique railings with fancy designs. Parts can break off from rust damage or from someone backing their truck into a front gate. If you’ve got wrought iron railings with pieces missing, we can replicate those pieces and replace them with ease. Then, your wrought iron railings will be brought right back to their original quality.

Wrought Iron Accessories for Your Home

Wrought Iron Accessories for Your Home

While wrought iron railings are, perhaps, the most common use of wrought iron, they’re not all. There are many more fixtures and accessories for your home that can be made of wrought iron. If you’re a lover of the dark, classic metal, you’ll love some of these other wrought iron accessories you can use to decorate your home.

Wrought Iron Mailboxes

If you’re an appreciator of wrought iron, you’ll love having a wrought iron mailbox. These aren’t super common, since they can be difficult to craft and are easily mimicked with regular iron that’s coated in black paint.

The benefit of getting an actual wrought iron mailbox is that it will last longer than a cheap mockery. Plus, wrought iron bring with it the opportunity for customization. If you have a chunk of money that you want to put toward an artistic sculpture of a mailbox, it’s a great investment. You aren’t limited to the standard box-on-a-post type mailbox. You can go for any design you want.

Just as well as you can go for something really intricate, you can also get something simple. If you don’t have much of a yard or you prefer your mail to be delivered to your door, you can also opt for a wall-mounted mailbox. These simple little boxes are just right for a handful of letters or a small package. Mounted beside your front door, they also make retrieving the mail a breeze. Just be sure to make your mailman some brownies if you’re the only one in the neighborhood making him walk up the drive.

Wrought Iron Doorknockers

Doorknockers have gone mostly out of style in the past century. But, the key reason is because most people don’t have massive houses anymore – and, of course, the invention of the doorbell. These days, they’re more of a statement piece than anything, even if they do function when used.

If your home is large enough that a doorknocker won’t look silly on the front door, one might just spice up the aesthetic. Go for something big and gothic or something delicate and beautiful. No matter your taste, a wrought iron doorknocker is something that will become a memorable part of your home to guests and family alike.

Wrought Iron Window and Door Grates

Worried about security? Wrought iron window and door grates can keep burglars from getting in with a heavy rock. These grates don’t have to be the simplistic bars used to protect city townhouses. You can make them beautiful works of art that don’t take away from the beauty of your home.

The only thing that will take further consideration is fire safety. All window grates should have some kind of release from the inside to allow for a quick escape in case of emergencies. One of the reasons they’ve gone out of fashion is that fire safety laws meant the removal of many that didn’t come with an interior release. Since then, modern alarm systems have been more successful achieving their goals.

Buy Custom Wrought Iron from Pro Weld

If you’re looking for custom wrought iron crafting in Toronto, Pro Weld is here to help. We’re experts in our craft, making beautiful wrought iron railings, stairways, and more. If you have a custom design you’d like made, give us a call and let’s discuss the possibility.

Is Colored Wrought Iron Possible?

Is Colored Wrought Iron Possible?

If you have particularly strong tastes in home design, you may have wondered more than once about wrought iron. Many people adore the classic, black metal designs. In fact, they’ve made a bit of a comeback as restoration of old homes has become a known cause. However, what most people don’t wonder about is if that classic, black metal could be less classic and more colorful. Is colored wrought iron possible? Let’s take a look!

The Possibility

Let’s answer this quickly: yes, it’s possible! You can color your railings by painting them.

If done right, colored wrought iron can be just as good as classic wrought iron. However, if done incorrectly, it could not only end up looking bad, but damage the iron. So, let the experts at Pro Weld tell you a bit more about colored wrought iron, how to achieve it, and its uses.

The Uses of Colored Wrought Iron

Colored wrought iron is quite the statement. While you could technically use it anywhere normal wrought iron is found, it is better suited to certain places. We wouldn’t recommend making your wrought iron fence anything but black. However, if you want to make a real statement in your home, you could make your railings a certain color. This looks especially good in homes that rely on wrought iron to guard curved staircases. 

Any color is possible, but some that look really great are gold and silver. These colors, naturally, can make your railings look as if they’re gilt or made of these metals. Just make sure that, if you do go for one of these two, you choose a color that reflect the natural tint of the metal. Otherwise, it will simply look fake and cheap, taking down the quality of the plain, black railings.

Preparing Your Rails

If you’re going to paint your railings, you can’t just go out and buy some paint and slap it on. Before painting them, you need to prepare them. The most important thing about preparing your railings for a new coat of paint is ensuring there’s no rust on them. Even a small amount of rust, if left beneath the new coat of paint, can eat further through your iron railings and spread.

So, check your railings thoroughly for any areas – even small ones – where the existing, black coating is chipped off and rust has begun to develop. You can treat this yourself with rust removal and prevention treatment. However, if you want to guarantee the future integrity of your iron railings, we recommend you get professional help for anything more than the smallest amounts of rust.

Choosing Your Paint

The most important part of coating your railings in something new is choosing the right paint. You can’t use just anything. If you choose the wrong paint, you could end up with railings that are tacky or that chip with the slightest wear. Use exterior-grade enamel paint. This is paint that’s made to withstand outdoor weathering, will appear shiny when dry, and will better resist things like skin oils. Once your enamel is on, you might even consider a metallic top coat to increase the illusion of your railings being made of something other than iron.

Complete Home Railing Restoration

Complete Home Railing Restoration

Is your house home to a set of beautiful iron railings? If your railings are rusting or damaged, you may not even be sure! When iron railings begin to age, their beauty and appeal quickly disappears. However, there’s good news where iron railings come from: they’re possible to completely restore. If you want complete home railing restoration done, Pro Weld is the #1 iron specialist in Toronto to get the job done. Here’s what you can look forward to.

Remove Rust from Iron Railings

One of the most common things to ravage aging iron railings is rust. A complete set of interior or exterior iron railings can go from gorgeous to hideous when rust takes hold. There’s nothing quite like a patchy coat of orange where sleek black once was to destroy an aesthetic.

Fortunately, removing rust from iron railings is completely possible. Rust does do damage to the iron over time. Therefore, if your iron railings have been coated in rust for many years, it’s possible they will need more than just rust removal. However, there’s no way to know how extensive the damage is without a check from a professional.

Let our team of iron professionals at Pro Weld come take a look at the state of your railings and we’ll be able to offer more information on the restoration process.

Repair Damaged or Broken Iron Railings

Iron railings often become damaged or outright broken after years of neglect. This is especially true of exterior iron railings. Fortunately, iron is a very forgiving metal that can often be repaired with ease.

If your iron railings are damaged or broken, we can work diligently to reconnect loose pieces, weld together breaks, and even recreate pieces that have broken off and gone missing. Complete home railing restoration will cover all of your repair and restoration needs. 

Recoating Iron Railings

After an old set of iron railings have had the rust removed and been pieced back together, they need to be recoated. Wrought iron railings are coated in a special black paint that protects them from moisture and prevents rusting. This coating is also what gives them their shiny appearance when in new condition.

Complete Home Railing Restoration in Toronto

Do you want complete home railing restoration to bring your home’s railings back to looking like new? If so, Pro Weld is here to help. We do railing restoration all the time and can bring those services right to your home. Mobile welding equipment means doing repairs on-site is easy. If any pieces need to be recreated, we can craft them at our shop and then attach them to the original railings without having to remove them.

Let us know if you’re looking for iron railing restoration services in Toronto and we’ll get you a quote for our services.

Replicating Antique Iron Railings

Replicating Antique Iron Railings

Having a home with antique fixtures in it can be a really rewarding experience. Antique fixtures often come with stories and a lot of rich history. However, antiques are have also lived long lives and may not be in the best shape. Repairing the existing fixtures – such as antique iron railings, is the ideal solution. However, not all antique iron railings are in a reparable state. In those cases, we can explore the option of replicating your antique iron railings.

Not sure what to do with your antique iron railings? Let’s take a look at your options and what they mean.

Repairing Antique Iron Railings

A beautiful set of antique iron railings would have been made over 100 years ago. So, railings that were crafted around 1920 and earlier fall into the antique category. Those that were crafted between 1920 and 1970 would be vintage.

Because antiques are at least 100 years old, they’re often not in great condition. Things like railings are easy to let fall into disrepair with just a little neglect. This is especially common of railings in old houses that have sat empty or abandoned for many years. When someone finally comes around to restore the home, they look to repairing the antique iron railings as well. However, by that time, they’re often in irreparable condition.

What Makes Antique Iron Railings Irreparable?

The question is, what makes antique iron railings irreparable? Are yours irreparable?

When antique iron railings are missing a lot of pieces that have broken off, those pieces can be replaces with replicas. However, the remaining parts of the railings need to be strong enough to handle welding and, possibly, reshaping.

Are your railings are too fragile to be bent back into shape and have broken-off pieces welded onto them? If so, we can replicate them instead.

Replicating Antique Iron Railings

Replicating antique iron railings is a great way to proceed. Instead of working with the existing base railings, we can copy the design of them exactly and make a new set from new materials. Pro Weld has been designing and crafting custom railings for many years. Replicating antique designs is easy as pie in comparison. We have an eye for detail. With that, we can replicate your antique iron railings with the utmost accuracy.

Preserving History and Aesthetic

There’s more to replicating antique iron railings than simply doing a job. Preserving history and the original aesthetic of an old home is valuable work. Whether you’re restoring a home that’s been in the family for generations, or saving one from falling apart from neglect, we would be honored to work with you. Restoration work is some of the most important and underappreciated there is. Give us a call at Pro Weld and we’ll help make your job a bit easier.

How to Clean Old, Stainless Steel Railings

How to Clean Old, Stainless Steel Railings

Stainless steel railings may seem like they don’t need any maintenance but, as all things, they do need some love every once in a while. If you’ve got some old, stainless steel railings that have seen better days, you might be wondering what to do. Pro Weld is here to help. Let us walk you through what’s necessary to clean old, stainless steel railings.

Clean Stainless Steel Railings

The first step to clean old, stainless steel railings is to actually wash them down. Unless your railings have every inch covered in rust, they should get a good wash down before going further. Just use a bucket with some warm, soapy water and an old rag. This wash will remove dirt and any loose flakes of rust. Be sure to get at the joints, as this area will need rust protection and the area needs to be clean before applying that.

Remove Rust

If your railings have a lot of rust on them, you should find a good rust remover and apply it as instructed. If your railings are polished stainless steel, apply this with the grain, rather than against it. You may find that, by the time you’re done with removing rust, the earlier railings have begun to get some rust spots again. This isn’t anything to worry about and will be dealt with during rust prevention.

Protect Stainless Steel Railings from Future Rust

The reason stainless steel railings don’t usually rust is because stainless steel goes through a process with the atmosphere called passivation. Near the joints where the railings have been welded together, the alloy is altered by the heat of the welding process. Because of this, the welded parts at the joints of your railings will not go through passivation properly and are more likely to become rusted. Fortunately, there are products made to replicate this process and prevent rust from developing.

As described here, Wichard offers a paste called Wichinox that can be applied to stainless steel railings and will help along the passivation process. That means it will prevent rusting for a period of time. Depending on the weather, your proximity to saltwater, and more, you may have to clean and reapply this every 6 months to a year. However, after cleaning up your old railings the first time, this process should be quick and mild.

Replace Stainless Steel Railings

If your stainless steel railings are beyond a quick clean, you might be better off just replacing them. Rust will eat through metal over time, so very rusty and very old railings might not even be sound enough to protect people from dangerous falls.

Call us today at Pro Weld to get more information on how to clean stainless steel railings, or how you can replace them.

Wrought Iron Fence Repair and Paint

Wrought Iron Fence Repair and Paint

Do you have an old wrought iron fence that’s seen better days? Don’t fret; wrought iron fences can be repaired. Pro Weld can repair any wrought iron fence in Toronto or the GTA. When you want to breathe life back into your wrought iron fence, this is how you can repair it to the point of looking new.

Wrought Iron Fence Repair in Toronto

A lot of old homes have wrought iron fences surround them or bordering their front. However, these fences were built and installed decades ago. Many of these fences don’t actually do anything to improve the appearance of the house anymore. But, that doesn’t mean that they never will again.

If you’ve got an old, broken, or rusted wrought iron fence, you’ve got the potential for a beautiful, like-new, solid black wrought iron fence. The only thing standing between the two is a call to Pro Weld for some help with wrought iron fence repair and paint.

When we repair your fence, we’ll make it look how it was meant to. Anyone can slap some rust remover on a metal fence. We do more. We can create replacement pieces for any part of the fence that has broken off over the years. Then, we’ll weld those pieces into place. In the end, you’ll be left with a whole fence, instead of just part of one.

Replicate Destroyed Fences

Many wrought iron fences have taken too much damage over time to be repaired. If rust has eaten through the metal to the point that it’s no longer strong enough for repair, there’s another solution. Pro Weld makes wrought iron fences and railings all the time, including custom designs. We would love to create a replica of your fence so that it can be replaced with something that looks as the original designer intended. We can also do this replication process for any sections of a reparable fence that are missing or destroyed.

Wrought Iron Fence Painting

Removing rust and replacing missing pieces will get your fence looking whole again, but it won’t get it looking good again. That piece of the puzzle relies heavily on the final step in wrought iron fence repair: painting it. Wrought iron fences rely on a coating of black paint to prevent rust and weathering. This paint is incredibly important as it keeps rain from touching the metal directly, which would lead to rust.

When we’ve repaired the damage to your fence, we’ll also give it a fresh coat of paint so that it’s ready to withstand the test of time once more. Hopefully, with some TLC from Pro Weld, your repaired wrought iron fence will last as many years as it has until now. Maybe decades from now, your descendants will give the future members of Pro Weld a call for a touch up!


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