6 Features in Your Home Not to Forget About
Do you ever walk through your home and think of a few things you wish you did differently? Maybe you bought an existing house and felt a different layout would be better, or you wish you would have picked a different colour for the living room?
There ends up being at least one feature in our houses that we wish we could easily change. If you’re in the process of renovating or building a new house, we have six features in your home not to forget about.
Number of Outlets
Outlets seem like such a small thing in the grand scheme of the house that we tend to forget about them. The thing is though, forgetting about the outlets will lead to frustration down the road.
When installing outlets, put them in spots that you know you’ll use them. Have one on either side of where you plan to put your bed. Have multiple outlets in different locations in the living room. Don’t forget about outlets in the garage and outside your house too.
Indoor and Outdoor Railings
Railings are another thing that can be an afterthought, but shouldn’t be. Having a boring railing on a unique and exciting staircase will only bring down the effect it has. The colour and style of the railings can help finish off a room and give the staircase the pop it needs.
Storage Space
It’s not that we forget about storage space, rather, it’s that we underestimate how much we’ll need. Once you move into your new home and start unpacking, you’ll soon realize whether or not you have enough storage.
When planning out your house, have storage space at the top of your list. You can get creative with how you add it, like building shelves into the wall.
Exhaust Fans
By now, we know how important it is to control the humidity levels in your home. Having excess moisture in the air can lead to mould growth, and mould can cause serious harm to your health.
Having exhaust fans in your home will help control the humidity and circulate the air. Install them in your bathroom where there is likely to be the most amount of moisture.
Pet Accommodations
Pets are family, right? If you have a furry friend or are planning to get one, it’s easy to forget about certain pet items until you need them at that moment. More and more pet owners, though, are building their pet accommodations right into their house. Integrated food and water dishes that pull out from a cabinet, an addition the master bedroom for the puppy to sleep on, and having a dog wash station, they may sound silly, but they keep all of your pet supplies organized and tidy.
Indoor Plants
If you don’t have any indoor plants, you should invest in some. Adding greenery to your home not only adds a pop of colour, but real plants offer many health benefits as well. Living plants produce oxygen while removing carbon dioxide from the air. We’re left with fresh and healthy air.